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Coronavirus Update: What Should SBOs Know?

By ASBO International posted 03-13-2020 08:43


(Last Updated 12/17/2021.) NOTE: This blog will be archived as of December 31, 2021. If you are a school business professional with questions or concerns about federal policy issues impacting your school district, please contact ASBO International

As school business officials (SBOs) are monitoring the spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and its impact in their state and district, ASBO International is here to support our members with tools, information, and resources to stay informed and appropriately respond to COVID-19 to protect their students, staff, and communities.


What do you need to know about COVID-19? (Updated 12/17/21)

For tools and resources to help you communicate COVID-19-related issues to your community, please refer to NSPRA's COVID-19 Communications Tool Kit for communication examples, templates, tip sheets, and other resources to maintain trust and engage community stakeholders. (Updated 3/30/21)


What federal guidance is available for schools regarding COVID-19? (Updated 12/17/21)
The U.S. Department of Education (ED) is compiling cross-agency resources and information for elementary, secondary, and higher education institutions and personnel at: Please send questions to ED via email at:


What is Congress doing in response to COVID-19? (Archived on 3/23/21 after the passage of the last relief package, the ARP.) 

COVID 1 Relief Bill
In early March, Congress passed an $8.3 billion emergency bill to support research into a COVID-19 vaccine, treatments, stockpiling medical supplies, and providing low-interest loans for small businesses impacted by the virus. H.R. 6074, the "Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act" reflects "phase-one" of the federal government's response (a summary of the bill is available here).

COVID 2 Relief Bill
After the President declared COVID-19 a national emergency, Congress swiftly prepared a "phase two" emergency response bill to COVID-19, which passed on March 18. H.R. 6201, the "Families First Coronavirus Response Act" is a $100 billion spending package that includes emergency funding for paid sick leave, widespread free COVID-19 testing, provisions to provide flexibilities and meal assistance for schools during school closures, and temporary increases in federal Medicaid funding to states. 

COVID 3 Relief Bill
Congress passed a "phase three" bill on March 27 to provide additional support for economic recovery from COVID-19. The package includes nearly $31 billion in emergency education funding. The full text and summaries of H.R. 748, the "Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act" are below.

Final text/summaries of the CARES Act
Final bill text for Division A (everything but appropriations) and Division B (the appropriations section of the bill)
Section-by-Section Description of Division A
One-pager on Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pension (HELP) Committee provisions - from Majority Committee staff

Two summaries of the appropriations section (Division B) – from Senate Appropriations Committee Majority and Minority staffs

COVID 3.5/4 Relief Bill
Lawmakers successfully passed a "phase 3.5 / 4" COVID-19 package on April 24, H.R. 266, the "Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act" (The PPP & HCE Act), which provides $484 billion in additional funding for businesses, hospitals, and expanded COVID-19 testing. Meanwhile, ED has started releasing emergency funding to assist states and schools with COVID-19 response via the Education Stabilization Fund authorized by the recently-passed CARES Act. Funding is being disbursed via The Governor's Emergency Education Relief (GEER) Fund and the Elementary and Secondary School Education Relief (ESSER) Fund.

COVID 5 Relief Bill
Congress' fifth COVID-relief package did not arrive until December 27, 2020, six months after the last COVID-relief measure was passed in April. This is because of significant Congressional gridlock and disagreement about what should have been included in the measure. Before the final package was passed, there were several proposals offered before lawmakers could agree on a final bill. These initial proposals to come up with a "CARES 2" package included:

  • A House Democrat $3 trillion partisan proposal, offered on May 12, called the "Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions (HEROES) Act," which would have provided assistance to state and local governments, hazard pay for health care workers, student debt forgiveness, more Medicare and Medicaid funding, and other provisions. (Read this ASBOUSA blog for more information). A revised version of the HEROES Act passed the House on May 15, but was dead on arrival in the Senate.
  • A Senate Democrat proposal offered on June 30 by Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), called the "The Coronavirus Child Care and Education Relief Act (CCCERA)." The bill would have provided $430 billion to support education across-the-board, including child care, K-12 education, higher education, and workforce development. $345 billion of that amount would go to the CARES Act's Education Stabilization Fund, and K-12 education would receive $175 billion for state agencies and school districts. Senate Republicans did not support this bill and offered a counterproposal instead.
  • A Senate Republican proposal offered on July 27 as an alternative to HEROES and CCERA, called the Health, Economic, Assistance, Liability Protection, and Schools (HEALS) Act. The $1 trillion package would have provided $70 billion to K-12 education with some conditioned funding for schools based on their reopening plans, $29 billion for higher education, $5 billion for governors to use to support education, and $1 billion for Bureau of Indian Education. The proposal would have given COVID-19 liability protection for schools as they reopen, an opportunity for LEAs to pursue MOE waivers, and significant funding for private schools in response to the pandemic. (Read this ASBOUSA legislative blog for more information.)

As Congress tried to negotiate a compromise to reconcile differences among these proposals, little progress was made before Congress left for the August recess. In an attempt to circumvent Congress and bypass gridlock on several issues, President Trump issued an executive order and three memos on evictions, unemployment benefits, payroll taxes, and other items. EOs affecting unemployment benefits and payroll taxes should be of key interest to school business professionals:

After the Labor Day recess, lawmakers focused on passing a continuing resolution (CR) to avoid a government shutdown and pick up negotiations on another COVID package. Thus, several other proposals emerged for a fifth COVID-relief package:

  • A Senate Republican proposal offered on September 8, which was a pared-down version of the HEALS Act, called the "Delivering Immediate Relief to America's Families, Schools, and Small Businesses Act." (Read the full text and a summary of the bill.) This proposal would have included many of the same provisions for education as the original HEALS Act proposal. However it did not include maintenance of effort (MOE) requirements for states, it would have provided funding for Education Freedom Scholarships via a new scholarship tax credit program, it would have expanded allowable uses of 529 accounts for K-12 education and homeschooling expenses, and would not have provided another round of stimulus relief checks among other provisions. (Find more information about the proposal here.) The proposal was voted on in the Senate on September 10, but failed to meet the 60-vote threshold needed to pass.
  • A bipartisan House proposal offered on September 15, which was effectively a COVID relief framework that sought to compromise between the provisions laid out in the HEROES and HEALS Acts. The proposal would have provided $100 billion for K-12 education, $500 billion in state and local relief, and additional funding toward child care, broadband connectivity, the Census, and other programs, employer liability protections, among other provisions. This proposal did not gain traction and was rejected by House leaders. House Speaker Pelosi announced the House would focus on offering another proposal instead. (Check out our alert for more info.)
  • A House Democrat proposal offered on September 28, which was an updated version of the HEROES Act (HEROES 2.0). The proposal would have provided $225 billion for education ($208.1 billion in additional funding for the CARES Act Education Stabilization Fund). Of that amount, $175 billion would go to K-12 education and would not have been conditioned based on school opening models like prior Republican proposals. An additional $5 billion would have gone toward K-12 facilities to help districts respond to the pandemic and make repairs or improvements that support student health needs (including improvements to allow for outdoor instruction). The bill also proposed $12 billion to help close the homework gap and fund Wi-fi hotspots and devices, as well as $3 billion for emergency home connectivity. (Read this alert for a more in-depth analysis of the bill.)
  • Another Senate Republican proposal offered on October 19, which was an even "skinnier" $500 billion version of their "Delivering Immediate Relief to America's Families, Schools, and Small Businesses Act". The bill was introduced on the Senate floor for a vote (after lawmakers rejected a separate $1.8 trillion compromise proposal that was under negotiation between the White House and House Speaker at the time). Like all other proposals up to this point, this bill did not pass either, after Senate Democrats blocked the bill on October 21. Congress' attention on COVID-relief was then interrupted by a focus on Supreme Court nomination hearings and the upcoming 2020 U.S. Presidential Election in November.
After the November elections, Congress faced a tight timeline to pass a fifth COVID-relief bill and an annual appropriations package to fund the government and avoid a shutdown in mid-December. Earlier on, Congress passed H.R. 8319, "The Continuing Appropriations Act, 2021 and Other Extensions Act," to fund programs and agencies on auto-pilot/flat-funding via a continuing resolution (CR) through December 11, which included several helpful nutrition provisions favorable to schools. These included an extension of the Pandemic EBT (P-EBT) program and granting the USDA authority to extend program waivers under the National School Lunch Program through September 2021. (See this thread and this blog for more information).

In mid-late December 2020, Congress passed several additional stopgap funding bills to buy time for lawmakers to pass another COVID-relief measure and FY21 spending bill. With time running out before the 116th session of Congress coming to an end, lawmakers combined the two measures into one massive legislative vehicle with $1.4 trillion in FY21 spending and $900 billion in emergency COVID relief. On December 27, the FY21 and fifth COVID-relief package, "H.R. 133, the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 and Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSAA), into law. That legislation provides $54 billion for K-12 education to support schools in responding to and recovering from COVID-19, among many other provisions. ASBO members can find our full breakdown and analysis of the 5,500+ page COVID-relief and appropriations package in our blog here (Updated 1/7/21).

COVID 6 Relief Bill 
Just after President Biden was sworn into office, the new administration issued a flurry of executive orders and actions as well as a proposal for another COVID-relief bill for Congress to consider, which would serve as the foundation for negotiations on a sixth COVID-relief package. (ASBO members can read a summary of the Biden Administration's actions taken within the first 10 days here.) A summary from the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget notes that Biden's $1.9 trillion proposal would provide $350 billion in state and local government aid, increase unemployment insurance to $400/week and extend emergency provisions through September, provide $170 billion toward reopening schools and colleges, and enact other policy changes to support families through the pandemic. In early February, Senate Republicans released a $618 billion counterproposal to the Biden administration plan, which would only have provided $20 billion to help K-12 schools reopen, among other provisions. Realizing a compromise between these two proposals was not be feasible, Democrats moved forward with a partisan approach to pass another COVID-relief package via a process called "budget reconciliation" which would reflect President Biden's priorities (For more coverage on the differing reconciliation bills in the House versus Senate and overall process, ASBO members can learn more here.)

On March 10, the sixth COVID-relief bill, the "American Rescue Plan Act of 2021" (ARP) was passed along partisan lines without Republican support and was signed into law by President Biden on Thursday, March 11. The $1.9 trillion package includes more than $120 billion for K-12 education, $350 billion for state and local government aid, extends unemployment benefits at $300/week through September, provides stimulus checks for Americans ($1,400 per eligible individual and $2,800 for couples making up to $150,000/year, and $1,400 per child and adult dependent); expand Medicaid and CHIP to require coverage of COVID-19 vaccines and treatment without cost-sharing, and other provisions. (Read a section-by-section summary of the package here.) For an in-depth analysis of the American Rescue Plan (ARP) and what it means for K-12 education and schools, read this ASBO International legislative blog.

We encourage members to join ASBO International’s Legislative Affairs Community for further legislative updates and to check out ASBO webinars to help you lead your community's response to COVID-19. 


What is ASBO International doing in response to COVID-19? (Updated regularly) 
In addition to sharing information and resources to support our members, ASBO International is working with our Legislative Advisory Committee, education coalition partners, and federal officials to advocate for flexibilities and assistance for schools impacted by COVID-19. Here are just a few examples of how we have been advocating for ASBO members:

  • Providing relevant news, information, and education for school business professionals via ASBO International webinars and other communications channels.
    • Upcoming ASBO International COVID-19 Webinars: (View our webinar schedule at ASBOLearn.) (Updated Regularly)
    • Review session materials from ASBO International's 2021 Annual Conference & Expo, in Milwaukee, WI. (Log in here!) (Updated 11/1/21)
    • Access Archived COVID-19 Webinars on ASBO Learn on these topics and more:
      • School's in Session: Safe Cleaning in a COVID-19 Climate, September 24, 2020
      • Roundtable: Advocating for a Safe & Successful School Year, Wednesday, July 29, 2020 
      • COVID Budget Cutting: How to Reduce Healthcare Costs by Up to 30%, July 21, 2020 
      • ASBO, National PTA, IDSA, EdTrust, et al. Virtual Tele-Town Hall: How Do We Reopen Schools Safely? July 16, 2020 (Access the recording, presentation slides, and event summary.)
      • ASBO/NSBA/AASA Reopening Series: Sports and Performance Programs: Support for the Social-Emotional Wellness of Students, July 10, 2020 
      • Resource Equity in the Time of COVID-19, July 9, 2020 
      • ASBO/NSBA/AASA Reopening Series: The Transformative Role School Resource Personnel Have in Reopening Public Schools, July 8, 2020 
      • Impacts of COVID-19 on Your Benefits Program, July 7, 2020
      • ASBO/NSBA/AASA Reopening Series: The New Role of Transportation in the New Normal Routine for Schools, June 30, 2020
      • ASBO/NSBA/AASA Reopening Series: Supply vs. Demand - What School Districts Need to Consider as Schools Reopen, June 26, 2020
      • ASBO/NSBA/AASA Reopening Series: Funding Shortfalls or Needs vs. Wants - What's the Plan, What Are Our Priorities? June 24, 2020
      • From a Distance: Leading a Remote Workforce and Managing Unseen Risk, June 23, 2020
      • Roundtable - Reopening Facilities Safely, May 27, 2020  
      • COVID-19 Costs and Maximizing FEMA Public Assistance Funding, May 19, 2020
      • What Will The Financial Turmoil Mean for Education? May 12, 2020
      • Understanding Federal PreK–12 Grants and Waivers in a COVID-19 Climate, April 28, 2020
      • ASBO/American Fidelity - COVID-19 & Your Employees: Impacts on Leave and Benefits, April 16, 2020  
      • AASA/ASBO/USDA - USDA COVID-19 School Waivers, April 16, 2020 
      • ASBO/FRAC/AASA - Feeding Students During COVID-19, April 7, 2020
      • COVID-19 Federal Funding Forecast, March 26, 2020
      • SBO Live Panel Discussion on COVID-19, March 17, 2020
    • Access this video recording, presentation slides, and event summary from a July 16 virtual town hall hosted by ASBO International, National PTA, the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA), EdTrust, and other education and health organizations. (Added 7/22/20)
    • ASBO International communications: Accents, School Business Daily, the Global School Business Network, and more.
      • The Global School Business Network is an invaluable resource for school business professionals who seek peer support and want to ask questions and advice regarding school response to COVID-19 in their communities. Log onto the Network now. 
        • Join/Renew to ensure you are receiving all ASBO International membership benefits, including access to the Network. 

  • Working with ASBO International’s Legislative Advisory Committee to share information about school districts' responses to COVID-19 with members and the public, and advocating for federal support for schools throughout the crisis.
    • Asking ED for guidance to states, districts, and schools about how to respond to COVID-19 to support students, staff, and communities during school closures and for a safe return to in-person learning.
    • Advocating for E-Rate flexibilities and extra funding to ensure that students affected by school closures have adequate Internet access while learning from home, i.e. addressing digital equity concerns such as the "homework gap." 
    • Advocating for nationwide USDA waivers/flexibilities and extra funding to help school districts serve students healthy and nutritious meals during school closures.
    • Advocating for targeted, narrow IDEA flexibilities to help districts provide for all students during the COVID-19 pandemic.
    • Maintaining ongoing conversations with federal agencies and officials, including ED and White House staff to discuss additional federal supports needed for states and schools.
    • ASBO members: Contact us about how we can advocate for your students and school district! 


Additional COVID-19 news and resources are available below: (Archived 8/30/21)

A+ Colorado: COVID-19 Learning Loss: Recommendations to Improve Student Outcomes During the Pandemic (Updated 10/20/20)
AASA, The School Superintendents Association COVID-19 Resources (Updated 2/1/21)
AASA, The School Superintendents Association Advocacy Round-Up: All Things COVID Blog Series (Updated 4/22/20)
AASA Blog: ED Releases New Guidance on ELP Assessments (Updated 1/21/21) 
AASA Blog: FCC to Launch Connectivity Fund Program (Updated 5/12/21)
AASA Blog: New Guidance: USDA Meal Waivers & FRPL (Updated 1/8/21)
AASA Blog: Updated P-EBT Implementation Guidance for States (Updated 2/1/21)
AASA Blog: USED Guidance on Collecting Average Daily Attendance (Updated 1/29/21)

ACG Advocacy: The CARES Act Relief Funds Toolkit (Updated 4/3/20)
AIHA Reopening Guidance for Schools (K-12) (Updated 12/8/20)
Allovue: Three FAQs About ESSER Funds (Updated 5/20/21)
Amazing Educational Resources: Database of Free Education Resources (Updated 5/19/21)
American Fidelity Administrative Services: Understanding COVID-19 Leave Benefits (Updated 5/13/20) 
American Fidelity Administrative Services: FFCRA Employer Calculations Workbook (Added 4/17/20)
American Fidelity Administrative Services: Summary of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act  and PDF (Updated 4/6/20)
American Federation of School Administrators: Reopening Schools Safely in the Age of COVID, A Preliminary Guide for School Leaders (Updated 7/2/20)
American Federation of Teachers (AFT) COVID-19 Resources 
American Federation of Teachers (AFT) Reports on Safely Reopening Schools (Updated 3/1/21)
ASHRAE Epidemic Task Force Recommendations for Schools & Universities (Updated 5/14/21)
ASHRAE Frequently Asked Questions for COVID-19: Filtration, Disinfection, HVAC System Operations, etc. (Added 5/21/20) 
Because Health: Safer Cleaning and Disinfectant Use During Coronavirus for Early Childcare Providers and Schools (Updated 5/19/21)
CCSSO: Commonly Asked Questions About Allowable ESSER & GEER Activities (Updated 2/25/21)
CCSSO: Important Near-Term ARP ESSER Due Dates of State Education Agencies (Updated 4/26/21)

Center for Cities + Schools: COVID-19 Resources for Reopening Healthy School Facilities (Added 9/10/20)
Center on Reinventing Public Education (CRPE): District Responses to COVID-19 School Closures (Added 3/1/21)
Chiefs for Change: The Return: How Should Education Leaders Prepare for Reentry and Beyond (Updated 5/1/20)
Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget Analysis: Biden to Unveil $1.9 Trillion COVID Response Plan (Updated 1/24/21)
Common Sense: Wide Open School Online Learning Resources (Updated 5/19/21)
COVID-19 Recovery Consulting: K-12 School Relative Risk Index (Infographic) (Added 8/4/20)
CSPI Report: Implementation of COVID-19 Meal Pattern Waivers: Best Practices & Comparisons by States (Updated 2/1/21)

District Administration: 6 Indoor Air Quality Missteps School Districts Are Making (Updated 8/11/20)
District Administration: 12 Uses for (CARES) ESSER Funds (Updated 7/19/20)
District Administration: 353 Free K-12 Resources During the Coronavirus Pandemic (Updated 4/29/20)
District Administration: Education Funding Streams in CARES Act Provide Wealth of Spending Options (Updated 3/31/20)
District Administration: Equitable Services Guidance on CARES Act Funds (Updated 5/8/20)
District Administration: FFCRA Guidance for School Districts as Employers
(Updated 3/31/20)
District Administration: Here Are Key Questions to Answer to Safely Reopen Schools (Updated 6/4/20)
Education Counsel: What School Districts Need: Principles and Priorities for State COVID-19 Guidance and Action (Updated 6/1/20)
Education Resource Strategies: The Cost of COVID - Understanding the Full Financial Impact of COVID-19 on Districts and Schools (Updated 1/13/21)
Education Week: Biden Calls for $130 Billion in New K-12 Relief, Scaled Up Testing, Vaccination Efforts (Updated 1/14/21)
Education Week: Biden Launches New Strategy to Combat COVID-19, Reopen Schools (Updated 1/21/21)
Education Week: FEMA Will Cover Some COVID-19 Staffing Costs for Schools (Updated 4/19/21)
Education Week: How COVID-19 Will Ballon District Costs This Coming Schools Year (Updated 5/18/20)
Education Week: How Will Coronavirus Affect School Spending? 9 Questions Answered (Updated 4/13/20)
Education Week: Reopening Schools During COVID-19: Lessons from Around the World (Updated 8/13/20)
Education Week: School Districts' Reopening Plans: A Snapshot (Updated 10/16/20)
Education Week: Too Expensive to Re-Open Schools? Some Superintendents Say It Is (Updated 5/21/20)

Education WeekSeries on Coronavirus and Schools (Updated 11/17/20)
Educating All Learners Alliance: Resource Library for Educating Students with Complex Learning Needs Remotely (Updated 5/19/21)
Edunomics Lab School Finance Resources (Updated 5/19/21)
FRAC Summary of USDA's Nationwide Child Nutrition Waivers in Response to COVID-19 (Updated 3/10/21)
Franczek Education Law Insights Podcasts on COVID-19 & Other Issues in Schools (Updated 5/17/21)
Future ED: What Congressional COVID Funding Means for K-12 Schools (Updated 4/30/21)
GASB Response to COVID-19(Updated 7/1/20)
GFOA: CSLFRF Guidance FAQ (Added 8/30/21)
GFOA: Coronavirus Response Resource Center (Added 8/30/21)
Harvard Global Health Institute: The Path to Zero and Schools: Achieving Pandemic Resilient Teaching and Learning Spaces (Added 8/17/20)
Healthy Green Schools & Colleges: Guidelines for COVID-19 Cleaning and Disinfection (Added 9/24/20)
Healthy Schools Campaign: COVID-19 Resources for Cleaning Staff (Added 5/26/20)

Healthy Schools Network: 2021 National Healthy Schools Day, COVID-19 Resources for Safe & Healthy Schools (Updated 4/1/21)
IDEA Money Watch: Estimated IDEA Grants to States for FY 2021 and in the American Rescue Plan (Updated 3/30/21)

ISTE / EdSurge Resources for Schools to Cope with Coronavirus (Updated 5/4/20)
JD Supra Coronavirus/COVID-19 Guidance, News, and Analysis for Employers (Updated 5/19/21)
Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center: Which U.S. States Meet WHO Recommended Testing Criteria? (Updated 3/24/21)
Journal of Accountancy: IRS Explains Extended Payroll Tax Due Dates (Updated 1/20/21)
Kaiser Family Foundation: What Do We Know About Children and Coronavirus Transmission (Updated 7/29/20)
Learning Policy Institute (LPI): Eroding Opportunity: COVID-19's Toll on Student Access to Well-Prepared and Diverse Teachers (Updated 2/10/21)
Learning Policy Institute (LPI): Making School Budgets Whole and Equitable During and After COVID-19 (Updated 7/17/20)
Learning Policy Institute (LPI): Reopening Schools in the Context of COVID-19: Health and Safety Guidelines from Other Countries (Updated 5/15/20)
Learning Policy Institute (LPI) Tulsa Public Schools: Prioritizing Physical, Social, and Emotional Safety to Support Reopening and Recovery (8/18/21)
Learning Policy Institute (LPI): What Will It Take to Stabilize Schools in the Time of COVID-19? (Updated 5/7/20) 

NAAEE: Guide to Advocating for Outdoor Classrooms in Coronavirus-Era School Reopening (Updated 9/1/20)
National Association of School Nurses: COVID-19 Resources
National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) Health Crisis Resources
National Association of State Budget Officers (NASBO) Budget Blog (Provides State Budget Information Throughout COVID-19) (Updated 9/8/20)
National Association of State Budget Officers (NASBO): State Budget Basics During an Economic Downturn (Updated 5/6/20)
National Association of State Budget Officers (NASBO): Fiscal Survey of States - Overview for Fall 2020 (Added 1/25/21)

National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD): Educator's Guide to Virtual Learning: Actions to Support Students with Disabilities (Added 3/25/20) 
National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD): Student Privacy and Special Education: Educator's Guide During and After COVID-19 (Added 8/4/20) 
National Center for Systemic Improvement: COVID-19 Resource Hub for Supporting Students with Disabilities (Updated 4/1/21)
National Council on School Facilities: COVID-19 Guidance, Working Sessions on Reopening K12 Schools (Updated 3/31/21)

National Education Association (NEA) Safe and Just Schools in 2021 and Beyond (Updated 5/7/21)
National School Boards Association: COVID-19 Preparing for Widespread Illness In Your School Community: Legal Guide for School Leaders (Updated 3/3/20)
National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA) COVID-19 Communications Toolkit (Updated 3/1/21)
New America - Everything You Need to Know: Education in the Coronavirus Emergency Bill (Updated 3/26/20)
No Kid Hungry Coronavirus Response & Recovery Center: Feeding Students During COVID-19 (Updated 5/19/21)

NPR: Are the Risks of Reopening Schools Exaggerated? (Updated 10/21/20)
NPR: A Looming Financial Meltdown for America's Schools (Updated 5/6/20)
Parabola Project: School Reopening Readiness Guide (Updated 3/8/21)
Policy Innovators in Education (PIE) Network: Federal Education Relief & Recovery Funds (Updated 4/20/21)
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports: Returning to School During and After Crisis: A Guide for States, Districts, Schools, Educators, and Students (Updated 3/2021)
REHVA COVID-19 Guidance: How to Operate and Use Building Services to Prevent Spread of COVID-19 in Workplaces (Updated 4/3/20)
School-Based Health Alliance COVID-19 Resources (Added 5/27/20)

School-Based Health Alliance COVID-19 Telehealth Resources (Added 5/27/20) 

School Leader Voices: Concerns and Challenges to Providing Meaningful IDEA-related Services During COVID-19 (Updated 7/14/20)
School Nutrition Association (SNA) COVID Resources (Updated 5/10/21)
School Nutrition Association (SNA) Survey: Impact of COVID-19 on School Nutrition Programs: Back to School 2020 (Added 10/23/20)
Schools for Health: Risk Reduction Strategies for Reopening Schools (Added 8/21/20)
STARTS: Student Transportation Aligned for Return to Schools: Guidelines, Tactics, and Templates (Added 7/17/20) 

The 74: Analysis: Pandemic-Fueled Financial Turbulence is Hitting School Districts Across the Country. Here's What to Watch For (Updated 8/17/20)
The 74: Analysis: We Reviewed the School Reopening Plans for 106 Districts Around the Country. Here's How They Square With Reality (Updated 10/14/20)
The 74: Politics, Not Science, Is Driving School Reopening Decisions to a 'Really Dangerous' Degree, Research Suggests (Updated 10/22/20)
The 74: Reality Check: What Will It Take to Reopen Schools Amid a Pandemic? From Finances to Teaching to Learning Loss Q&A (Updated 7/28/20)
The National Law Review: Summary of CARES Act (Updated 3/29/20)
The National Law Review: New Leave Entitlements Under FFCRA - Issues Unique to the Public Sector: COVID-19 Resource (Updated 3/23/20)
Thomas Fordham Institute: Strategies to Help Schools Navigate the COVID-19 Cash Crunch (Updated 10/22/20)
Trane Technologies Webinar: IAQ-Related HVAC Guidance from ASHRAE and CDC for COVID-19  (Updated 5/29/20)
University of Washington: Safer Cleaning, Sanitizing and Disinfecting Strategies to Reduce and Prevent COVID-19 Transmission (Added 5/26/20))
Whiteboard Advisors: District ESSER I, ESSER II, and ARP ESSER (ESSER III) Estimated COVID-Relief Allocations (Added 3/30/21)


Members-Only Resources (Login Required) (Updated 12/8/21)

ASBO International Network Discussions & Blogs: (Updated 12/8/21)

ASBO International Toolkits: (Updated 11/1/21)

ASBO International Webinars

ASBO International File Library Resources (Updated 6/10/20)



