
Ms. Angela Tombul

Executive Assistant and Governance Relations,
ASBO International
Platinum Member
Most Valuable Member Platinum
ASBO Staff

Executive Assistant and Governance Relations,
ASBO International


I have education in my blood! I come from a long line of educators, administrators, school counselors, and board members. Sunday lunches, holiday gatherings, and family get-togethers are never complete without discussing the trials and tribulations of those of us in the field of education. I previously worked in schools as both a teacher and an administrator, and then bridged to the association world where I landed in education non-profits which led me to ASBO. I hope my past experiences will help me to identify with the issues that you, our members, deal with on a daily basis. I very much enjoy serving ASBO International as the association’s Executive Assistant and Governance Relations. My role here includes being a governance go-to person, working with the affiliate executive directors, coordinating the annual election, and assisting on a variety of projects across the association. Please feel free to contact me at any time...I am here to help!


Texas A&M University
College Station, Texas, United States
B.A., 2000
French, Linguistics
1996 To 2000

Job History

Association of School Business Officials International
Executive Assistant and Governance Relations
January 2011 - present

American Educational Research Association
Executive Assistant and Office Manager
February 2008 - January 2011

Lab School of Washington ~ Night School
Teacher - Computers
January 2005 - June 2008

Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School
Registrar and Assistant to the Academic Dean
August 2003 - November 2007

Peace Corps
Volunteer - Teacher of English as a Second Language
June 2000 - July 2002

Geographical Region

  • Northeast